my projects.

Urban Haven
A property listing website that allows users to browse real estate listings, upload new properties, and perform CRUD operations on their listings.

A mini database management system offering core features for the administration of databases and tables.

A web application that allows users to manage advertisements. It includes functionalities for creating, viewing, and deleting advertisements. Additionally, users can like advertisements, add them to their cart, and view details about each advertisement.

Typing Speed Game
A simple web application designed to help users improve their typing speed and accuracy. With random quotes for typing practice and real-time feedback on words per minute (WPM).

Multiplayer Chess
This is a simple chess game with graphical user interface. The game includes a chessboard with pieces, and users can interact with the board to move pieces. All chessmoves are implemented and functional (castling, promotion, en Passat etc..) with game history logging in Algebraic notation.

Cyber Slot
A cyberpunk themed slot machine game with a unique design and sound effects. The game includes a betting system, a spinning wheel, and a win/lose system.

3D Pathfinding
This problem entails finding the shortest path on a 3D terrain grid from a start to a goal point, navigating around obstacles using the A* search algorithm, and visualizing the optimal path in both heatmap and 3D plot formats.